Hi-Tech Computer Rental
Burbank, CA

Call Now: (818)841-0681
or Email: hi-tech08@htcr.net

Computer Security Tips

Hackers and predators are after your information and valuables.

How much can you afford to lose?

Basic security measures with regards to Computers and Tablets include:

  • Not leaving your device unattended in non-secure areas.

  • Using a lock that attaches the device to a table or large item if in public areas.

  • Using a password.

  • Keeping updates current.

  • Using anti-virus that is kept updated and current.

  • Using a secure network.

  • Saving information periodically to another (external) drive.

How safe is your company's data on an employee's personal computer?

Having employees use their own computer can be attractive to a company. They can simply pay a per diem to the employee and not have to bother with matters pertaining to rented, leased and/or owned equipment.

Unfortunately, risks are associated with having employees use their own computer.

Here are some things to think about before allowing an employee to use their own computer:

  • Companies are putting themselves at risk for allowing employees to use personal computers. An employee's wrong doing can become a liability to the company.

  • One main problem is when users connect their computer or device to the network they risk infecting the network with a virus or malware, or cause the leak of valuable information through their private devices.

  • Employees bringing their own device carry a potential liability to themselves as well. If the company is sued, or the equipment confiscated, the personal devices can become part of the search/seizure.

  • Security can be compromised in regards to proprietary information, dealings, intellectual property, plans, in-office memos and discussions when an employee uses their own computer.

  • Employees using their own computers may hinder productivity and encourage non-ethical or questionable activity.

  • Being able to monitor an employee's computer can add a deterrent to employee's behavior. Monitoring an employee's personal computer may not be feasible. Monitoring a rented computer is much less restrictive.

  • Using rented computers can add to control and cut down on distractions.

  • Rented computers can be set up, to not have administrator privileges so that apps or software aren't installed that could compromise security.

  • If you don't have a lot of computers it doesn't make sense to hire a full time Information Technology Specialist.

Our Tech Support specialists are available to meet your rental needs.

Give us a call or email and we'd be pleased to discuss this.